Download YouTube Music Playlists to Computer [Free Guide]

Rel updated on Apr 26, 2024 to Video & Audio Downloading

Love listening to music on YouTube? Do you have a favorite playlist? Then follow this easy guide to download Youtube music playlists to your computer. You can then listen to them offline on your PC or Mac.

Undoubtedly, YouTube is one of the largest and most versatile music content platforms. Music enthusiasts usually search for the latest music playlists on YouTube, but they must always connect to the internet to access them. Therefore, many people want to download music from YouTube Music playlists to their computer to enjoy their favorite music offline. Unfortunately, YouTube doesn't provide any direct and free download options for users. So, how can you download and save it on your PC? Fortunately, you can save music playlists from any trusted third-party YouTube downloader software, chrome extension, and free YouTube video downloading website.

In this post, we will discuss all these three ways to download YouTube music playlists to the computer. So read the post till the end for complete information.

Method Compatibility Target User
EaseUS Video Downloader Windows and Mac Safe and high-quality download within a few minutes
Online Downloader All computers and phones One-time download regardless of safety
Browser Extension Desktop browsers that can be equipped with extensions Know how to install extensions and want a quick download

Download YouTube Music Playlists to PC Free Using Software

Here, we will discuss how you can download YouTube music playlists to your PC via free software. Many free and trusted software can help you download YouTube videos, but we recommend using EaseUS Video Downloader, a professional YouTube playlist downloader for PC with a free trial. Let's discuss this software more.

EaseUS Video Downloader is a prominent software that can help you download videos from YouTube and other websites. You can save audio and video at the highest quality from YouTube and other platforms. This tool supports both Windows and Mac computers and provides the best result.

🦋Features of EaseUS Video Downloader

Undoubtedly, EaseUS Video Downloader is one of the most reliable and fastest video downloading tools. For safety purposes, we suggest downloading and installing this tool on your PC only from its official website.

🎗️Follow the steps to use EaseUS Video Downloader below:

Step 1. Open EaseUS Video Downloader on your computer. As for music playlist download, you should choose the format of audio between MP3 and WAV. Then, choose the quality you'd like to download with. 

Step 2. Open the music or the playlist you want to download with. Copy its link. Then, press the "Paste URL" button in EaseUS Video Downloader. Choose "Download all files in Playlist/Channel" to continue. 

Step 3. Wait for downloading process to finish. You can find the downloaded playlist in the "Finished" menu.

Disclaimer: Please make sure that your download behavior is legal in your country! EaseUS does not advocate downloading any video/audio for sale, distribution, or other commercial purposes.

If you are looking for more YouTube music playlist downloaders, you can check the passage here:

Top 3 Best Free YouTube Playlist Downloaders [Online & Desktop]

A comprehensive list of free YouTube music downloaders. Explore this list and select the best YouTube playlist downloader to grab your favorite playlists from YouTube.

Download Music from YouTube to Windows & Mac Online

In this part of the post, we will discuss how you can download YouTube music to your PC free online without downloading third-party software. Many online platforms offer users the ability to download YouTube music playlists. You can choose any one platform and download your favorite music playlist. For example, here we will take the y2mate platform and let you know how it works.

🎗️Check the steps below.

Step 1. First, open your preferred playlist on YouTube and copy its link.

Step 2. Now open the Y2mate website, paste the Youtube playlist link on this platform's search bar, and click the Start button near the search bar.

Step 3. It will redirect to a new page with a direct download option in MP3 format. Now click on the Download.mp3 button and save the playlist on your PC.

These are three easy steps to download a YouTube music playlist on your computer online.

Download Music Playlists from YouTube to Computer with Chrome Browser Extension

Suppose you want to download your favorite YouTube music playlist without using any software or online platform. In that case, we recommend using any reliable YouTube video download extension for Firefox or Chrome that provides a YouTube video or music download feature. Now, the question is, what is the difference between downloading a YouTube music playlist from the online platform and a browser extension?

The answer is pretty simple: a browser extension is easy to use as you have to install it once in your browser, and every time you open YouTube, it will show the download option under the YouTube video. You can easily download and watch YouTube videos offline. However, when it comes to online downloading platforms, you must copy-paste the required YouTube link that you want to save on your computer,  which is time-consuming and lengthy. We will take an example of a browser extension and let you know the complete process.

🎗️Follow the steps below to download smoothly with a YouTube playlist download extension.

Step 1. Install the Flix Mate Addoncrop Chrome Youtube Downloader browser extension.

Step 2. Now open your preferred music playlist on YouTube and check the features(downloads, mp3 convertors, thumbnails, subtitles, take a screenshot) above the Music Title shown in the Image.

Step 3. If you want to download the video in MP4 format, then click on the download option and follow the further instruction to save it but if you're going to keep it as mp3, then click on the mp3 convertors and click on the download option, which will save the music as MP3 format on your PC.

Try this method and enjoy downloading your free music playlist from YouTube smoothly.


If you are still following this post, you must know how to download a music playlist from YouTube. In this post, we discussed the three most effective ways to download playlists from YouTube. Now it's your choice which one you like the most and are comfortable with. We recommend you try every method to understand, which is easy and less time-consuming. EaseUS Video Downloader is always the ultimate choice if you are going for the software method.


Here we will answer some frequently asked questions related to the main topic. This crucial section will clear your additional doubt, so don't skip it.

1. Can you download songs with YouTube Music for free? 

The answer is no, you can't. YouTube Music requires a premium subscription if you want to download songs. 

2. How do you download the YouTube Music Playlist to a computer in MP3 format?

You can download the YouTube Music playlist to a computer in MP3 format in three ways:

  • With the help of YouTube downloader software
  • Direct online YouTube download platform
  • Via YouTube download browser extension

3. How to Download Music From YouTube to Your Phone?

You can easily download music from YouTube to your phone with the help of any reliable mobile YouTube mp3 converter app. You can also try recording the music using an audio recorder, but the quality may not be great. The alternate way is to look for MP3s available online that have the same music.