Top 12 Karaoke Songs for Bad Singers

Sasha updated on May 24, 2024 to AI Article

Tone-Deaf? No problem! Dive into our curated list of 12 karaoke songs perfect for bad singers. Embrace your inner diva and sing your heart out without fear!

Are you a bad singer, or can't you sing well enough to have fun at karaoke and don't want to bring the vibes down? Read this article to learn 12 karaoke songs that require no singing skills.

No 1. Just a Friend by Biz Markie

  • Genre: Pop rap

Released in 1989, Just a Friend is known for its infectious beat and humorous lyrics. The song is about a boy who falls in love with a girl, only to discover she already has a boyfriend. Undaunted, he insists on winning the girl's love, only to discover that she considers him "just a friend." For those with less-than-perfect vocal abilities, this song isn't overly challenging. Rather, it demands more enthusiasm and delivery than technical vocal ability.

No 2. 500 Miles – The Proclaimers

  • Genre: Folk rock song

500 Miles is a folk rock song about a person willing to walk 500 miles and then 500 more to be the one who walks a thousand miles to fall at their lover's door. It features an upbeat tempo, a catchy melody, and distinctive Scottish accents in the vocals. This song is easy to sing if you have passion and enthusiasm.

No 3. Everybody-Backstreet Boys

  • Genre: Pop and dance-pop

You cannot miss this song to liven up the atmosphere. Designed to get more people moving and grooving, it is upbeat, energetic, and celebratory. Use it to invite everybody to come together and enjoy the music. It is not overly challenging regarding singing difficulty; its vocal parts are generally within a moderate range. Try Everybody if you are looking for a fun song for karaoke and group performance.

No 4. Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Asley

  • Genre: pop song

Released in 1987, this song celebrates the power of love and fidelity. Its catchy rhythm and melody create a sense of joy and happiness, making it a popular choice for parties and celebrations. The song has a comfortable vocal range for most singers and clear, easy-to-follow melodies.

No 5. Love Shack - The B-52's

  • Genre: Pop-rock

American new wave band, the B-52s, released this song in 1989. The lyrics describe a funky little shack where people come together to have a good time and let loose. The catchy chorus, with its repetition of "Love Shack, baby, Love Shack," adds to the song's jubilant atmosphere and makes it a favorite for sing-alongs and gatherings. If you feel exhausted after work, sing this song to say goodbye to today's work..

No 6. Just the Way You Are- Bruno Mars

  • Genre: Pop song

If you are looking for a romantic and uplifting song, try Bruno Mars's Just the Way You Are. It is famous for its smooth melody, heartfelt lyrics, and Bruno Mars's soulful vocals. The mood of this song is warm, tender, and affectionate. Also, as a popular choice for weddings, romantic occasions, and love dedications, this song is fit for singing with your partners.

No 7. Jolene - Dolly Parton

  • Genre: Country song

As one of Dolly Parton's most iconic and enduring songs, Jolene is favored by people for its haunting melody, powerful vocals, and poignant lyrics. The whole song is somber, intense, and raw because it tells the story of a woman pleading with another woman named Jolene not to take her man away. If you are a country music lover, add this classic song to your playlist.

No 8. Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond

  • Genre: Pop song

You may be familiar with Neil Fiamond's Sweet Caroline, for it has become an anthem at sporting events, parties, and gatherings around the world. This song delivers an upbeat, lively, and celebratory atmosphere. When singing it, you can always do the game: invite your friends to sing the chorus "Sweet Caroline, ba ba ba."

No 9. I love Rock And Roll - Joan Jett

  • Genre: Rock song

Originally performed by The Arrows in 1975, this song gained widespread popularity after Joan Jett covered it. It is a timeless rock anthem that many people know and love. Even though some people may not be fond of rock music, its lyrics, "I Love Rick ’n' Roll," are simple to remember and sing along to.

No 10. Crazy - Britney Spears

  • Genre: Pop song

Released in 1999, Crazy explores themes of infatuation and romantic desire. The song's tone is playful and sexy, and the lyrics are infectious, so every listener can feel the rush and infatuation of young love. The song is relatively moderate in difficulty, and the melody is catchy and suitable for singers of different skill levels.

No 11. Summer Nights - John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John

  • Genre: Pop song

Performed by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, Summer Nights narrates the romantic encounters and experiences of two high school students, Danny Zuko, and Sandy Olsson, during their summer vacation. The whole song is nostalgic and filled with youthful exuberance. Singing this song is easy for most singers. Plus, the duet format allows singers to alternate between the male and female parts.

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No 12. Moves like Jagger - Maron 5

  • Genre: Pop song

Moves Like Jagger is a song that blends pop, rock, and dance-pop elements. It features catchy hooks, funky guitar riffs, and a pulsating rhythm that encourages listeners to move and dance along. The song's mood is energetic, playful, and celebratory, encouraging listeners to dance and move along to the groove.

Bonus: Make Karaoke Songs Online Free

This might happen: the song you love doesn't have a karaoke version. Will you give up this song or make a karaoke song yourself? If you are reading this article, you are so lucky, for we will tell you an online tool that makes making karaoke music like a piece of cake: EaseUS Online Vocal Remover.

Its vocal remover features help separate vocals and instruments from a song easily and quickly. Then, you may get the acapella version and karaoke version. You can also use it to change the BPM and find the key of a song. This tool is free now.

Use EaseUS Online Vocal Remover to make the karaoke versions of your favoriate songs!

To Summarize

This article listed 12 karaoke songs for people who can not sing well. You could choose based on your music preference or your party atmosphere. If it is too difficult to find the song you prefer, use EaseUS Online Vocal Remover to make the karaoke version.

FAQs on Best Karaoke Songs for Bad Singers

Reading this part to get more insights.

1. What is the easiest karaoke song to sing?

Some popular choices include "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond, "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, and "Wonderwall" by Oasis.

2. What is the karaoke song to sing if you can't sing?

Some options could include "Let It Be" by The Beatles, "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen, or "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.

3. How do you sing a song with a bad voice?

First, choose a song that suits your vocal range and style, then practice regularly. Most importantly, don't be afraid to embrace your voice and have fun expressing yourself through music.