Fade Audio Tutorial: How to Fade in and Fade out Music on Video (Windows/Mac)

Jane Zhou updated on Nov 16, 2023 to Video Editing Tips

Fade in and fade out effect is not the professional’s priority function. It is possible to make fade audio for beginners. We recommend EaseUS Video Editor to set such effects for Windows users and two powerful tools for Mac users.

As you finish the video or audio clip, you may wonder how to match music with screen perfectly. A sudden sound can screw up the entire video and cause a bad viewing experience. The fade effect helps your audio playing more smoothly. It can soften the sharp sound attack. 

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What is Fade in and Fade out
How to Make Fade Audio in Windows
How to Make Fade Audio in Mac

What is Fade in and Fade out

Before we start the tutorial part, let’s be clear with fade in and fade out effect.

Fade-in means that the sound slowly increases to the standard volume when the music starts, and fade-out means that the sound decreases when the music is about to end.

How to Make Fade Audio in Windows

For Beginners:

If you tend to edit a vlog or home video, the tool perfectly fits your needs. To make fade audio with a free video editing software, you can download EaseUS Video Editor. This free video editing software shows an intuitive interface and some practical functions.

  • System requirement: Windows 7/8/10

How to Fade in Music with EaseUS Video Editor

1. Install and launch EaseUS Video Editor.
2. Import audio file and then add it to the project.
3. Right-click the music timeline and choose Edit.

4. Fade in and Fade out effect

Drag and drop the timeline.

5. Export video.

For professionals:

If you are a filmmaker or professional editor, the Adobe Premiere Pro CC can help you set good fade audio. Here is the step-by-step guide about how to add a fade effect in Premiere Pro.

How to Fade in Music with Premiere Pro CC

Premiere Pro CC includes three types of cross-fade: Constant Gain, Constant Power, and Exponential Fade. We often apply Constant Grain.

  • System requirement: Windows 7/10 (64bit), Mac OS

Steps for a fast way to add fade in and fade out effect:

1. Choose the effects tab.

2. Go to Audio Transitions > CrossFade > Constant Gain

3. Fade in: Drag Constant Gain at the beginning of the audio track. Fade out: Drag Constant Gain at the end of the audio track.

Steps for a manual way to add fade in and fade out effect:

1. Choose the audio track.

2. Expand the track and view the <- <> -> buttons on the left side.

3. Click the <> button to add a keyframe or use ctrl/cmd + click.

4. Add another keyframe at the beginning/end of the track. 5. Click on the keyframe and drag it down.

YouTube Tutorial

How to Make Fade Audio in Mac

After testing several tools, we recommend iMovie and Final Cut Pro for beginners and professionals. If you plan to edit home video but don’t know how to fade in music, you can install iMovie. If you tend to produce a film which needs more sophisticated operation, Final Cut Pro is the right answer. 

For beginners: Most editors choose iMovie for video editing in Mac. We will teach you how to fade in and fade out music.

  • System requirement: Mac OS/iOS 11.2 or above

How to Fade out Music with iMovie

1. Open the project.

2. Click the audio button at the bottom of the windows, check Show Waveforms.

3. On the right edge, you can drag the pointer to adjust the fade-in effect.

On the left edge, you can drag the pointer to adjust the fade-out effect.

For professionals:

Final Cut Pro is a professional and nonlinear video editing software, which also developed by Apple. Final Cut Pro allows you to edit more complex video projects and export large film size. At present, the hottest Oscar-winning movie has use Final Cut Pro for perfect editing.

  • System requirement: Mac OS X

How to Fade out Music with Final Cut Pro

1. Select audio clips.
2. Choose Modify > Adjust Volume > Add Fades

3. Drag the fade handle to the point where you want to fade in and fade out.


In this article, we list four software for different users. You don’t need to be a video engineer for using fade in and fade out effect. For beginners, EaseUS Video Editor and iMovie can solve most of the editing problems. For professionals, Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro are more sophisticated fade audio software.